Unforgivable Curses

Unforgivable Curses in the Wizarding World

What Are the Unforgivable Curses?

The Unforgivable Curses are three of the most feared and potent spells in the Wizarding World, officially classified as “unforgivable” in 1717 by the Ministry of Magic due to their devastating and malevolent effects. These curses are:

  • Avada Kedavra (The Killing Curse): Causes instantaneous, painless death with no counter-curse or magical defense.

  • Crucio (The Cruciatus Curse): Inflicts excruciating physical pain without leaving any physical damage.

  • Imperio (The Imperius Curse): Controls the victim’s actions, removing their free will entirely.

All three curses are considered dark magic, and their use results in a life sentence in Azkaban. Despite their dark nature, the Unforgivable Curses have been used by both dark wizards and, in rare cases, those fighting for the side of good, during particularly desperate moments.

The Origins of the Unforgivable Curses

The exact origin of these dark spells is lost in the mists of time, but scholars believe they were developed in the Middle Ages, a time when power struggles among wizards were common, and the line between light and dark magic was often blurred. It’s believed that wizards in ancient times, fascinated by the ultimate forms of control—over life, death, pain, and free will—created these curses to exert total dominance over others.

The Unforgivable Curses were officially classified in 1717 by the British Ministry of Magic, following an uptick in their use during several wizarding conflicts. This classification not only condemned their use but also enforced the most severe penalties, including imprisonment for life in Azkaban. By the time the First Wizarding War began, their infamy had only grown.

Why Were the Unforgivable Curses Created?

The motivations behind the creation of each curse reveal the darker aspects of human nature, ranging from a desire for power to pure cruelty.

  • Avada Kedavra (The Killing Curse): Derived from the ancient Aramaic phrase abracadabra meaning “let the thing be destroyed,” this spell was likely originally designed to eradicate illnesses. However, dark wizards perverted it into a curse that causes instant death. Avada Kedavra is unique because it kills without causing any physical damage, making it an especially feared weapon.

  • Crucio (The Cruciatus Curse): The Cruciatus Curse was designed as a method of torture, inflicting unbearable pain. Its name comes from the Latin cruciare, meaning “to torture,” and its power lies in its ability to cause immense suffering without leaving a mark. To cast this spell effectively, the caster must truly desire to inflict pain, which is why it’s favoured by the most sadistic dark wizards.

  • Imperio (The Imperius Curse): The desire for control gave rise to the Imperius Curse, a spell that allows the caster to dominate the victim’s will completely. Those under its influence become mere puppets, performing acts they would never otherwise consider. Resisting the Imperius Curse is extremely difficult and requires immense mental strength.

The Unforgivable Curses Through the Ages

The use of Unforgivable Curses has marked some of the darkest moments in wizarding history, with devastating effects during both the First and Second Wizarding Wars.

The First Wizarding War (1970–1981)

During Voldemort’s initial rise to power, the Death Eaters made liberal use of the Unforgivable Curses to spread fear and assert dominance over both wizards and Muggles alike. The Ministry of Magic, recognising the severity of the threat, granted Aurors special permission to use these curses in combat, although few chose to wield them due to the malevolent intent required to cast them.

Key examples from this period:

  • Bellatrix Lestrange’s Use of Crucio on the Longbottoms: After Voldemort’s fall in 1981, Bellatrix Lestrange and her fellow Death Eaters tortured Alice and Frank Longbottom with the Cruciatus Curse, attempting to extract information about Voldemort’s whereabouts. The Longbottoms were left permanently insane and institutionalized at St. Mungo’s Hospital, a crime that became infamous for its cruelty.
  • Voldemort’s Repeated Use of Avada Kedavra: Avada Kedavra became Voldemort’s signature spell during his reign of terror. He used it to murder countless victims, including Harry Potter’s parents, James and Lily Potter, in 1981. His frequent use of this curse, especially without remorse, cemented his legacy as one of the darkest wizards in history.
  • Death Eaters Using Imperio on Ministry Officials: The Imperius Curse was a tool for manipulation during the First Wizarding War. Many Death Eaters used it to control key officials at the Ministry of Magic, furthering Voldemort’s agenda while avoiding suspicion. Numerous Death Eaters also claimed to be under the curse’s influence after Voldemort’s fall to avoid prosecution.

Between the Wars (1981–1995)

Although the First Wizarding War ended with Voldemort’s defeat, the Unforgivable Curses continued to be used in isolated incidents. One notable moment occurred during Harry Potter’s fourth year at Hogwarts, when Barty Crouch Jr., disguised as Mad-Eye Moody, used them to teach students about the gravity of dark magic.

Key examples from this period:

  • Barty Crouch Jr. Demonstrating the Unforgivable Curses (1994): Posing as Professor Alastor Moody during the Triwizard Tournament, Barty Crouch Jr. introduced the fourth-year Defense Against the Dark Arts class to the Unforgivable Curses. He demonstrated each curse on a spider, including Avada Kedavra, Crucio, and Imperio, to show students their deadly effects. He even used Imperio on the students themselves, forcing them to perform bizarre actions, including making Neville Longbottom hop around like a rabbit.
  • Patricia Rakepick Torturing Merula Snyde (1989, Hogwarts Mystery): In the Hogwarts Mystery mobile game, Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Patricia Rakepick used the Cruciatus Curse on a student, Merula Snyde, in a particularly brutal demonstration of dark magic. This moment illustrated the immense power and cruelty of the curse.

The Second Wizarding War (1995–1998)

The Second Wizarding War saw an unprecedented level of devastation as Voldemort returned to power. Under his regime, the Unforgivable Curses were made legal, and they were wielded freely by Death Eaters.

Key moments include:

  • Bellatrix Lestrange Kills Sirius Black (1996): During the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, Bellatrix Lestrange dueled her cousin, Sirius Black. With her characteristic cruelty, she hit Sirius with Avada Kedavra, sending him through the veil in the Death Chamber at the Ministry of Magic. This moment deeply affected Harry, who witnessed the death of his beloved godfather.
  • Harry Potter’s Use of Unforgivable Curses: While Harry was known for his moral compass, he used two Unforgivable Curses during his mission to destroy Voldemort’s Horcruxes. During the break-in at Gringotts, Harry cast the Imperius Curse on Travers and Bogrod to force them to help him access the Lestrange Vault. Later, during the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry used the Cruciatus Curse on Amycus Carrow as punishment for his treatment of students.
  • Bellatrix Lestrange Torturing Hermione Granger (1998): In one of the most disturbing scenes in the series, Bellatrix used Crucio on Hermione Granger at Malfoy Manor, attempting to extract information about the Sword of Gryffindor. Hermione’s screams filled the room as she endured excruciating pain, demonstrating the curse’s horrifying power.
  • The Final Duel: Voldemort vs. Harry (1998): In their final confrontation during the Battle of Hogwarts, Voldemort once again used Avada Kedavra against Harry. However, due to the protective charm Harry carried from his mother’s sacrifice, the curse rebounded, ultimately leading to Voldemort’s defeat.

Unforgivable Curses in Hogwarts Legacy

In Hogwarts Legacy, players can learn and wield all three Unforgivable Curses: Avada Kedavra, Crucio, and Imperio. While these spells are powerful in combat, their inclusion raises questions about morality in the game’s universe. Despite the established lore, where using these curses is punishable by life imprisonment, there are no consequences for players using them in the game.

  • Avada Kedavra: This spell instantly kills enemies, making it a highly efficient combat tool.
  • Crucio: The curse causes ongoing pain and stuns enemies, much like the agony it induces in the books.
  • Imperio: This curse turns enemies into allies temporarily, allowing them to fight on the player’s behalf.

Despite the lack of consequences in Hogwarts Legacy, these curses still embody the darkest aspects of magic in the Wizarding World.

Key Users of Unforgivable Curses

  • Lord Voldemort: Known for his frequent use of Avada Kedavra, Voldemort claimed many lives, including his father and Harry Potter’s parents. He wielded the curse as an instrument of his power and cruelty, demonstrating his complete disregard for life.
  • Bellatrix Lestrange: A sadistic Death Eater, Bellatrix used Crucio frequently, including on Neville Longbottom’s parents and Hermione Granger. She also killed Sirius Black with Avada Kedavra, solidifying her as one of Voldemort’s most dangerous followers.
  • Harry Potter: Though reluctant, Harry used both Imperio and Crucio in extreme circumstances. His use of these curses reflects his willingness to take desperate measures during the Second Wizarding War, though he never succumbed to the darker desires that fuel most users of these spells.
  • Barty Crouch Jr.: While disguised as Mad-Eye Moody, Barty Crouch Jr. used the Imperius Curse on Hogwarts students, demonstrating his deep connection to dark magic and his ruthlessness in manipulating others.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are the curses unforgivable?

The curses are unforgivable because they strip the victim of their life, will, or sanity. Their use reflects a malevolent intent, which is why they are punished by life imprisonment in Azkaban.

Can anyone cast an Unforgivable Curse?

No, casting these curses requires not only the incantation but a true desire to kill, cause pain, or dominate. The caster must mean it for the spell to work.

Did Harry Potter ever use the Killing Curse?

No, Harry Potter never used Avada Kedavra, not even against Voldemort. His morality prevented him from killing, even in dire circumstances.

What happens if someone uses Unforgivable Curses in Hogwarts Legacy?

In Hogwarts Legacy, there are no legal or moral repercussions for using the Unforgivable Curses, diverging from established lore where their use would typically result in life imprisonment.


The Unforgivable Curses are not just powerful spells—they are reflections of the darkest parts of the Wizarding World. From their origins to their use by figures like Voldemort and Bellatrix, these curses have left an indelible mark on wizarding history. Their inclusion in Hogwarts Legacy adds new layers to the lore, though their use remains as controversial as ever.


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