Star Wars Planets

71 Best Star Wars Planets in the Galaxy

Journey through the deserts, forests, swamps, and cities that have become as iconic as the characters who inhabit them in this ranking of the best Star Wars Planets.

The Star Wars universe, sprawling across movies, TV shows, books, and games, has introduced fans to a myriad of unique and captivating planets. Each world contributes its distinct character, playing host to pivotal events, memorable characters, and iconic battles that shape the overarching saga. From the desolate sands of Tatooine to the bustling urban sprawl of Coruscant, these Star Wars planets are more than mere backdrops; they are integral to the storytelling that has enchanted audiences for generations.

In this comprehensive guide, we explore the most significant planets in the Star Wars galaxy, delving into their appearances across various media, their importance in different eras of the Star Wars timeline, and the key events that make them unforgettable. Whether you’re a lifelong fan or new to the galaxy far, far away, this detailed exploration offers insight into the worlds that form the fabric of one of the greatest sci-fi franchises ever created.

The Best Star Wars Planets


As seen in: Episodes I-III, VI (Special Edition), The Clone Wars, Rebels

Star Wars Planets - Coruscant
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi, Reign of the Empire, Age of Rebellion

Key events/known for: Capital of the Galactic Republic and later the Empire, location of the Jedi Temple and the Senate.

Coruscant is the bustling, cosmopolitan heart of the galaxy, serving as the political hub throughout much of the Star Wars series. Its surface is completely covered by a city with towering skyscrapers, shining aeries, and shadowy underworlds. The planet is significant as the site of major political events, including debates, coups, and the transition from Republic to Imperial rule, making it central to understanding the political dynamics of the Star Wars universe.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Core WorldsCoruscant SectorCoruscant SystemHumans, various speciesGalactic CityL-9


As seen in: Episodes I-III, IV, VI, The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett

Star Wars Planets - Tatooine
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi, Age of Rebellion, New Republic

Key events/known for: Home planet of Anakin and Luke Skywalker, location of key events like the Boonta Eve Classic Podrace and Jabba the Hutt’s palace.

Tatooine is a pivotal planet in the Star Wars universe, known for its expansive deserts, treacherous sandstorms, and iconic twin sunsets. It serves as the backdrop for many critical moments in the Skywalker saga, from the humble beginnings of Anakin and Luke Skywalker to significant turning points in the Galactic Civil War. The planet’s rough landscape and resilient inhabitants reflect themes of survival and destiny. Tatooine’s diverse ecosystem, including the dangerous Tusken Raiders and massive Sarlacc pit, adds to its allure and danger, making it a legendary setting within the Star Wars galaxy.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimArkanis SectorTatoo SystemHumans, Tusken Raiders, JawasBestineL-9


As seen in: Episodes I-III, The Clone Wars

Star Wars Planets - Naboo
(Image Credit: EA Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi

Key events/known for: Home planet of Queen Amidala and Emperor Palpatine, site of the Battle of Naboo.

Naboo is known for its stunning landscapes, from rolling plains and swamps to underwater cities inhabited by the Gungans. As the starting point for both Queen Amidala and Emperor Palpatine, it plays a central role in the political and military events that shape the galaxy. Naboo is emblematic of the saga’s recurring themes of democracy, leadership, and conflict.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Mid RimChommell SectorNaboo SystemHumans, GungansTheedM-13


As seen in: Episode VI, The Clone Wars, Rebels

Star Wars Planets - Endor
(Image Credit: EA Star Wars)

Era: Age of Rebellion, New Republic

Key events/known for: Site of the Battle of Endor, home of the Ewoks, location of the second Death Star’s destruction.

Endor, also known as the Forest Moon of Endor, is lush and teeming with life, featuring dense forests and various creatures. It’s renowned for the decisive Battle of Endor, where the Rebel Alliance, aided by the Ewoks, defeated the Galactic Empire, destroying the second Death Star. The planet’s lush forests and primitive yet effective Ewok inhabitants add a unique layer to its historical significance.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimModdell SectorEndor SystemEwoksNoneS-6

Yavin 4

As seen in: Episode IV, Rogue One, Rebels

Star Wars Planets - Yavin 4
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Age of Rebellion

Key events/known for: Site of the Rebel Alliance’s base and the Battle of Yavin where the first Death Star was destroyed.

Yavin 4 is a jungle-covered moon orbiting the gas giant Yavin in the galaxy’s Outer Rim. Its thick rainforests and ancient Massassi temples provide not only a strategic but also a visually striking setting for the Rebel Alliance’s early operations. The Battle of Yavin immortalises the moon’s historical significance, which sees the destruction of the Death Star and serves as a major turning point in the Galactic Civil War.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimGordian ReachYavin SystemVarious speciesNoneP-6


As seen in: Episode V

Star Wars Planets - Hoth
(Image Credit: EA Star Wars)

Era: Age of Rebellion

Key events/known for: Location of the Rebel Alliance’s Echo Base, site of the Battle of Hoth.

Hoth is an inhospitable, frozen wasteland known for its frigid climate and native fauna like the predatory Wampa and the hardy Tauntauns. The planet is most notable for the Battle of Hoth, where the Rebel Alliance momentarily held off the advancing Imperial forces by using the harsh environment to their advantage.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimAnoat SectorHoth SystemNoneNoneI-8


As seen in: Episodes V, VI

Star Wars Planets - Dagobah
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Age of Rebellion

Key events/known for: Yoda’s refuge during his exile, the place where Luke Skywalker trains under Yoda.

Dagobah is a swamp-covered planet teeming with life yet isolated from the broader galaxy. It serves as a spiritual hub for Luke Skywalker’s transformative Jedi training under Master Yoda, emphasising themes of growth and introspection away from technological and political disturbances.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimSluis SectorDagobah SystemVarious wildlifeNoneM-19


As seen in: Episode IV, The Clone Wars, Rebels

Star Wars Planets - Alderaan
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi, Reign of the Empire, Age of Rebellion

Key events/known for: Princess Leia’s homeworld, destroyed by the Death Star in a show of Imperial power.

Alderaan was known for its peaceful landscapes, mountain ranges, and serene beauty, making its destruction one of the most tragic events in the Star Wars saga. Before its annihilation, it was celebrated as a cenrer for diplomacy, art, and culture. The planet’s obliteration marks a pivotal moment in the Galactic Civil War, highlighting the ruthless nature of the Empire and galvanising support for the Rebel Alliance.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Core WorldsAlderaan SectorAlderaan SystemHumansAlderaK-10


As seen in: Episode V, Episode VI (Special Edition)

Star Wars Planets - Bespin
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Age of Rebellion

Key events/known for: Site of Cloud City, the duel between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, Lando Calrissian’s betrayal and redemption.

Bespin is best known for its Cloud City, a mining colony floating in the upper atmosphere that harvests atmospheric gases. The city became infamous as the site of numerous pivotal moments in the Star Wars saga, including Lando Calrissian’s betrayal of Han Solo and the revelation of Luke Skywalker’s parentage. Bespin’s ambiance is a mix of luxury and intrigue, reflecting its role as a haven for smugglers, gamblers, and those seeking to avoid the prying eyes of the Galactic Empire

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimAnoat SectorBespin SystemHumans, UgnaughtsCloud CityL-8


As seen in: Episode II, The Clone Wars

Star Wars Planets - Kamino
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi

Key events/known for: Birthplace of the Clone Army, site of key battles during the Clone Wars.

Kamino is known for its advanced cloning technology, which plays a critical role in galactic events by producing the clones used by the Republic in the Clone Wars. The planet’s seclusion and constant tempestuous weather mirror its secretive nature and the ethical ambiguities of cloning, themes explored through the arcs of various clone characters.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Extra-GalacticUnknownKamino SystemKaminoansTipoca CityS-12


Star Wars Planets - Mustafar
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

As seen in: Episode III, Rogue One

Era: Fall of the Jedi, Reign of the Empire

Key events/known for: Site of the duel between Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, location of Darth Vader’s fortress.

Mustafar is a fiery, hellish world known for its rivers of lava and harsh landscapes, making it a symbol of destruction and pain in the Star Wars saga. The duel on Mustafar between Anakin and Obi-Wan is one of the most iconic battles in the series, representing Anakin’s final transformation into Darth Vader. Vader’s fortress later becomes a place of dark side power and personal reflection for the Sith Lord.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimAtravis SectorMustafar SystemMustafariansNoneC-8


As seen in: Rogue One

Star Wars Planets - Scarif
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Reign of the Empire

Key events/known for: The tropical planet with an Imperial security complex housing the Death Star plans, site of the pivotal Battle of Scarif.

Scarif is a beautiful but heavily fortified planet, surrounded by a planetary shield and marked by white sandy beaches and turquoise waters. Its idyllic appearance belies the intense battle that takes place on its surface, which ultimately leads to significant Rebel victories but at great cost. Scarif is symbolic of the high stakes and sacrifices involved in the Rebel Alliance’s fight against the Galactic Empire.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimAbrion SectorScarif SystemHumansNoneR-16


As seen in: Episode III, The Clone Wars, Rebels

Star Wars Planets - Kashyyyk
(Image Credit: EA Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi, Reign of the Empire, Age of Rebellion

Key events/known for: Home planet of the Wookiees, site of one of the major battles of the Clone Wars.

Kashyyyk is a verdant planet covered in massive Wroshyr trees, where the Wookiees build their homes high above the ground to avoid the dangerous predators below. The Battle of Kashyyyk in “Revenge of the Sith” underscores the planet’s strategic importance and the bravery of its inhabitants, who are crucial allies of the Republic.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Mid RimMytaranor SectorKashyyyk SystemWookieesNoneL-20


As seen in: The Clone Wars, Rebels, The Mandalorian

Star Wars Planets - Mandalore
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi, Reign of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, New Republic

Key events/known for: Homeworld of the Mandalorians, a warrior culture known throughout the galaxy.

Mandalore is a planet with a rich history of conflict and strength. Due to its influential warrior culture, it is often at the centre of galactic politics. Its surface is marked by large, desolate, war-torn areas, reflecting the intense battles that have shaped its history. Mandalore’s complex society and the struggle for its control are pivotal to understanding the broader conflicts within the Star Wars saga.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimMandalore SectorMandalore SystemMandaloriansSundariM-13


As seen in: Episode II, The Clone Wars

Star Wars Planets - Geonosis
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi

Key events/known for: Site of the first battle of the Clone Wars, the Geonosians’ massive hive structures.

Geonosis is pivotal in galactic history as the arena where the Clone Wars erupted. Its arid, rocky environment and immense battle droid foundries highlight the industrial might of the Separatists, setting the stage for the widespread conflict that would engulf the galaxy.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimArkanis SectorGeonosis SystemGeonosiansStalgasin hiveP-13

Mon Cala

As seen in: The Clone Wars, Rebels

Star Wars Planets - Mon Cala
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi, Age of Rebellion

Key events/known for: Home to the Mon Calamari and Quarren species, known for its shipbuilding capabilities.

Mon Cala is a beautiful, water-covered world where vast cities are submerged beneath the waves. It is inhabited by the technologically advanced Mon Calamari and the industrious Quarren. The planet is crucial for producing starships that significantly aid the Rebel Alliance’s efforts. It also served as a battleground during the Clone Wars, highlighting its strategic importance and the resilience of its people.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimCalamari SectorMon Cala SystemMon Calamari, QuarrenCoral CityR-16


As seen in: Episode VII

Star Wars Planets - Jakku
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Rise of the First Order

Key events/known for: Desert planet, site of a “graveyard” of ships damaged during the Battle of Jakku, the final battle between the New Republic and the Galactic Empire, homeworld of Rey.

Jakku is a stark desert world littered with the wreckage of starships from the final battle between the New Republic and the remnants of the Empire. It symbolises abandonment and desolation but also resilience and hidden potential, as seen through the character of Rey, who rises from obscurity on this planet to become central to the galaxy’s fate.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Inner RimUnknownJakku SystemHumans, scavengersNoneUnknown


As seen in: Rogue One

Star Wars Planets - Jedha
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Reign of the Empire

Key events/known for: A small desert moon known as a sacred place for believers in the Force, site of Imperial occupation due to its rich deposits of Kyber crystals.

Jedha is a focal point for pilgrims in the Star Wars universe, revered for its historical connection to the Jedi and Force lore. The occupation by the Empire, which mines the planet for Kyber crystals necessary to power the Death Star’s super laser, brings a tragic dimension to its story, highlighting the ongoing conflict between spiritual heritage and militaristic exploitation.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Mid RimTerrabe SectorJedha SystemHumansJedha CityE-10


As seen in: Episodes VII-IX

Star Wars Planets - Ahch-To
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: New Republic, Rise of the First Order

Key events/known for: The site of the first Jedi Temple, the secluded refuge of Luke Skywalker.

Ahch-To is characterised by rugged landscapes, with rocky islands scattered across vast oceans. Its solemn and mystic ambiance fits the ancient wisdom of the first Jedi Temple. Luke Skywalker’s island is marked by ancient stone structures, surrounded by wild seas that highlight his refuge’s isolation and spiritual significance. The planet is uninhabited except for native Porgs and the ancient Caretakers. Ahch-To’s introduction adds depth to the Jedi Order’s lore, symbolising themes of solitude, meditation, and a return to roots central to the Jedi way of life.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
UnknownUnknownAhch-To SystemPorgs, CaretakersNoneUnknown


As seen in: Rebels, Ahsoka

Star Wars Planets - Lothal
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Reign of the Empire, Age of Rebellion

Key events/known for: Key site in the early rebellion against the Empire, birthplace of Ezra Bridger.

Lothal is a planet with significant Imperial interest, particularly its resources and strategic location. It becomes a central setting in “Star Wars Rebels,” where a small group of rebels’ grassroots efforts begin to challenge the Empire’s might. Lothal’s story is of resistance and hope, as its native son, Ezra Bridger, rises to become a key figure in the burgeoning Rebel Alliance.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimLothal SectorLothal SystemHumans, various speciesCapital CityL-19


As seen in: The Clone Wars

Star Wars Planets - Mortis
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi

Key events/known for: Home to the Ones, a trio of powerful Force wielders who represent different aspects of the Force.

Mortis is an ethereal place in the Star Wars lore, symbolising the spiritual heart of the Force. It serves as the setting for pivotal moments in “The Clone Wars,” where Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano face trials that challenge their deepest beliefs about the Force and themselves. Mortis represents a metaphysical dimension where the boundaries of time and space are blurred.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
UnknownUnknownUnknownThe OnesNoneUnknown


As seen in: Episode IX

Star Wars Planets - Exegol
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Rise of the First Order

Key events/known for: Hidden Sith planet in the Unknown Regions, site of the final battle in “The Rise of Skywalker.”

Exegol is a dark, barren planet shrouded in mystery, serving as a secret stronghold of the Sith. Its foreboding atmosphere and ancient Sith artefacts set the stage for the climactic confrontation between good and evil forces, marking the Skywalker saga’s end. The planet’s perpetual storms and ancient ruins reflect its deep connection to the dark side of the Force.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Unknown RegionsUnknownExegol SystemSith EternalNoneUnknown


As seen in: The Clone Wars, Rebels

Star Wars Planets - Ryloth
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi, Reign of the Empire, Age of Rebellion

Key events/known for: Home planet of the Twi’leks, site of multiple battles during the Clone Wars and the Rebellion.

Ryloth is a planet of stark contrasts, featuring harsh, rocky landscapes alongside rich, fertile valleys. It is perpetually half in darkness due to its tidally locked rotation. The planet’s strategic importance comes from its ryll spice mines, making it a frequent target for exploitation and conflict. Ryloth’s struggles for freedom against various oppressors are a recurring theme in its appearances, showcasing the resilience and spirit of its native Twi’lek inhabitants.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimGaulus SectorRyloth SystemTwi’leksLessuT-14


As seen in: The Clone Wars, Episode IV (mentioned)

Star Wars Planets - Rodia
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi, Reign of the Empire

Key events/known for: Home planet of the Rodians, including Greedo.

Rodia is a remote swampy, jungle planet, represented by Onaconda Farr in the Galactic Senate during the Clone Wars. Known for its dangerous wildlife and lush vegetation, Rodia’s society is largely built on survival and hunting, reflecting the traits of its inhabitants.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimSavareen SectorRodia SystemRodiansEquator CityS-16


As seen in: Solo: A Star Wars Story, Episode IV (mentioned)

Star Wars Planets - Corellia
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi, Reign of the Empire

Key events/known for: Birthplace of Han Solo, known for its shipyards that produce some of the galaxy’s fastest ships, including the Millennium Falcon.

Corellia is an industrial planet renowned for its shipbuilding, contributing to its gritty, mechanical landscape. As the birthplace of Han Solo, Corellia is critical to the “Star Wars” narrative, exemplifying themes of escape and the search for freedom. Its shipyards are some of the most capable in the galaxy, creating vessels that play key roles in numerous galactic conflicts.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Core WorldsCorellian SectorCorellian SystemHumans, various speciesCoronet CityM-11


As seen in: Episode III, The Clone Wars

Star Wars Planets - Felucia
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi

Key events/known for: Lush, jungle-filled landscapes, site of a major battle during the Clone Wars.

Felucia is a vibrant but deadly world, filled with fungal growths and immense flora and fauna. It represents the wild, untamed beauty of nature within the galaxy and was a battleground where Jedi Knight Aayla Secura met her tragic fate during Order 66.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimFelucia SectorThanium SystemFeluciansKway TeowS-15


As seen in: The Clone Wars

Star Wars Planets - Christophsis
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi

Key events/known for: Site of a significant battle in the Clone Wars, introduction of Ahsoka Tano.

Christophsis is a crystalline planet known for its tall, green-blue crystal spires and urban landscapes. It was the site of one of the early battles of the Clone Wars, where Jedi and clone forces fought against the Separatists. The planet’s unique appearance and strategic importance make it a memorable location in the Star Wars saga.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimChristoph SectorChristoph SystemHumans, various speciesChaleydoniaR-7


As seen in: The Clone Wars, Jedi: Fallen Order

Star Wars Planets - Dathomir
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi

Key events/known for: Homeworld of the Nightsisters, including Asajj Ventress, and Darth Maul’s place of origin.

Dathomir is a dark, foreboding planet known for its strong associations with the dark side of the Force, particularly through the witchcraft of the Nightsisters. It plays a crucial role in the backstory of significant characters like Darth Maul and Asajj Ventress, adding a layer of mysticism and primal force lore to the Star Wars saga.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimQuelli SectorDathomir SystemNightsisters, ZabrakNoneR-5


As seen in: Episode VIII

Star Wars Planets - Crait
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Rise of the First Order

Key events/known for: Abandoned Rebel base, site of the Resistance’s last stand against the First Order.

Crait, a small, desolate planet covered with white salt over its red soil, becomes a battlefield in a desperate and visually striking last stand of the Resistance. The contrast of red against the white landscape, especially during the battle scenes, symbolises the bloodshed and the stark nature of their struggle for survival against overwhelming odds.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimUnknownCrait SystemNoneNoneUnknown


As seen in: Episode VII

Star Wars Planets - Takodana
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Rise of the First Order

Key events/known for: Hosts Maz Kanata’s castle, a crucial crossroads for protagonists in “The Force Awakens.”

Takodana is renowned for its scenic beauty, featuring dense forests and clear lakes, which belie its role as a haven for those looking to avoid the prying eyes of authority. Maz Kanata’s ancient castle on Takodana serves as a crucial crossroads for the protagonists in “The Force Awakens,” providing them with key alliances and revelations. It symbolises the galaxy’s complex socio-political landscape, where various factions and characters intersect.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Mid RimTashtor SectorTakodana SystemVarious speciesNoneL-9


As seen in: Episodes VII-VIII

Star Wars Planets - D'Qar
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Rise of the First Order

Key events/known for: Location of the Resistance’s primary base before its evacuation.

D’Qar is a lush, forested planet that housed the main base of operations for the Resistance. This base plays a key role in planning and launching operations against the First Order, serving as a fleeting sanctuary amid escalating conflicts across the galaxy.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimIleenium SectorIleenium SystemResistance membersNoneUnknown


As seen in: The Clone Wars, Rebels

Star Wars Planets - Onderon
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi, Age of Rebellion

Key events/known for: Site of a major revolt against the Separatists during the Clone Wars, birthplace of Saw Gerrera.

Onderon is a jungle planet where Anakin Skywalker and his padawan Ahsoka Tano lead a revolt against its Separatist-controlled usurpatory king Sanjay Rash during the Clone Wars. The planet’s dense jungles and rebellious spirit make it a significant location in the Star Wars universe.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Inner RimJaprael SectorJaprael SystemHumans, various speciesIzizL-9


As seen in: The Clone Wars

Star Wars Planets - Serenno
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi

Key events/known for: Homeworld of Count Dooku.

Serenno is a planet in the Outer Rim Territories known for its wealth and nobility. It is the home world of Count Dooku, a former Jedi Master who becomes a Sith Lord and leader of the Separatists during the Clone Wars. The planet’s landscapes are as rich and diverse as its history, with sprawling estates and ancient castles.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimSertar SectorSerenno SystemHumans, various speciesCaranniaR-5


As seen in: The Clone Wars

Star Wars Planets - Umbara
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi

Key events/known for: Planet with a thick, foggy atmosphere, known for its significant battle during the Clone Wars.

Umbara, also known as the Shadow World, is a planet with a dense, foggy atmosphere, home to the Umbarans. It is known for the Battle of Umbara, one of the most challenging conflicts for the clone troopers due to the planet’s unique environment and the advanced technology of the Umbarans.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Expansion RegionGhost NebulaUmbara SystemUmbaransNoneM-13


As seen in: Jedi: Survivor

Star Wars Planets - Koboh
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: New Jedi Order

Key events/known for: Known for its abundance of the mineral Priorite, location of Rambler’s Reach outpost.

Koboh is a rugged planet featured in “Jedi: Survivor,” known for its mineral wealth, particularly Priorite. The planet’s diverse environments include rocky canyons and lush forests, providing a rich and varied landscape for exploration.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimUnknownKoboh SystemVarious speciesNoneUnknown


As seen in: Jedi: Fallen Order

Star Wars Planets - Zeffo
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Reign of the Empire

Key events/known for: Known for its ancient ruins and tombs, imperial excavations, and a crashed Venator near an ancient tomb.

Zeffo is a planet with many mountains and stormy weather. Featuring ancient ruins and tombs, it holds significant archaeological importance. The Empire’s excavations and the remnants of the Zeffo civilisation add layers of historical intrigue to the planet.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimUnknownZeffo SystemZeffo (extinct)NoneUnknown

Shattered Moon

As seen in: Jedi: Survivor

Star Wars Planets - Shattered Moon
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: New Jedi Order

Key events/known for: Known for its remnants and hazardous environment post-cataclysm.

The Shattered Moon is a desolate and dangerous place, a result of a cataclysmic event that left it fragmented. It serves as a significant setting in “Jedi: Survivor,” offering a challenging landscape filled with remnants of its former self and hazardous conditions.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
UnknownUnknownUnknownVarious speciesNoneUnknown


As seen in: Jedi: Survivor

Star Wars Planets - Tanalorr
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: New Jedi Order

Key events/known for: Known for its Force sensitivity, home of Dagan Gera’s Jedi Temple.

Tanalorr is a planet strong with the Force, hidden inside a nebula near Koboh. It is home to Dagan Gera’s Jedi Temple and holds significant importance due to its unique connection to the Force. The planet’s isolation and mystical qualities make it a place of great intrigue and power.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates


As seen in: Rebels

Star Wars Planets - Malachor
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi

Key events/known for: Desolate Sith world, site of major battles involving Jedi and Sith.

Malachor is a grim reminder of the fierce battles between Jedi and Sith, featuring ruins and a battlefield scarred by a super-weapon. It’s a planet steeped in the dark side of the Force, where Sith secrets and dangerous artefacts lie buried, often sought after for their power and peril.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimChorlian SectorMalachor SystemVarious species (ancient Sith)NoneP-19


As seen in: Rogue One

Star Wars Planets - Eadu
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Reign of the Empire

Key events/known for: Home to an Imperial weapons research facility.

Eadu is a rocky, mountainous planet beset by constant severe storms. It is home to an Imperial weapons research facility and serves as a critical location in “Rogue One” where Jyn Erso and her team seek to rescue her father, Galen Erso.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimEadu SystemOuter RimVarious speciesNoneUnknown

Cato Neimoidia

As seen in: Episode III, The Clone Wars

Star Wars Planets - Cato Neimoidia
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi

Key events/known for: Wealthy cities suspended from large bridges, ties to the Trade Federation leadership.

Cato Neimoidia is known for its opulent cities that hang beneath vast archways. This planet served as a stronghold for the Trade Federation’s Neimoidian leadership and was a battleground during the Clone Wars, reflecting its strategic and material value.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
ColoniesQuellor SectorCato Neimoidia SystemNeimoidiansZarraT-7


As seen in: Episode VI (mentioned), Star Wars: Battlefront

Star Wars Planets - Sullust
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Age of Rebellion

Key events/known for: Volcanic planet with a toxic atmosphere, home to Imperial factories and the SoroSuub Corporation.

Sullust is a volcanic planet whose atmosphere is highly toxic, forcing the native Sullustans to build technologically advanced subterranean cities. It served as the base of Imperial factories and the SoroSuub Corporation, making it an important industrial hub during the Age of Rebellion.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimSullust SectorSullust SystemSullustansPinyumbL-19


As seen in: Episode III

Star Wars Planets - Mygeeto
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi

Key events/known for: Site of a major battle in the Clone Wars, known for its crystal resources.

Mygeeto is a cold, urban planet that served as a battleground during the final days of the Clone Wars. It is known for its valuable crystal resources, which were used in the construction of the Jedi lightsabers. The planet’s surface is characterised by its ice-covered cities and harsh weather conditions.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimAlbarrio SectorMygeeto SystemMuuns, various speciesJygatT-6

Polis Massa

As seen in: Episode III

Star Wars Planets - Polis Massa
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi

Key events/known for: Birthplace of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa.

Polis Massa is an Outer Rim planetoid within an asteroid field of the same name. It is notable for being the birthplace of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa. The Polis Massans, the native species, have extensive medical facilities and were key in assisting Padmé Amidala during childbirth.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimSubterrel SectorPolis Massa SystemPolis MassansNoneJ-18


As seen in: Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, Thrawn: Alliances

Star Wars Planets - Batuu
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Rise of the First Order

Key events/known for: Location of Black Spire Outpost, a bustling hub for traders and adventurers.

Batuu is a frontier planet on the galaxy’s edge, known for Black Spire Outpost, a bustling hub for traders, adventurers, and smugglers traveling around the Outer Rim and Wild Space. Its presence in the theme park allows fans to experience the “Star Wars” universe firsthand, blending immersive storytelling with real-world exploration.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimTrilon SectorBatuu SystemVarious speciesNoneUnknown


As seen in: Episode III, The Clone Wars

Star Wars Planets - Saleucami
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi

Key events/known for: Site of a major battle during the Clone Wars, featuring deserts and swamps.

Saleucami is characterised by its deserts and swamps. It was the site of a major battle during the Clone Wars and is known for the presence of the clone trooper deserter Cut Lawquane. Jedi Master Stass Allie was killed here during the Great Jedi Purge.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimSuolriep SectorSaleucami SystemVarious speciesNoneL-14


As seen in: The Mandalorian

Star Wars Planets - Nevarro
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: New Republic

Key events/known for: Volcanic planet with black sands and lava flows, home to the Bounty Hunter Guild’s last operating base.

Nevarro is a frontier world at the edge of the galaxy, characterised by its rocky terrain and molten lava flows. It plays a central role in “The Mandalorian,” as the setting for several key events, including intense battles and pivotal turning points for the series’ characters.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimUnknownUnknownVarious speciesNoneUnknown

Ilum (Starkiller Base)

As seen in: Episode VII, The Clone Wars

Star Wars Planets - Ilum
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi, Rise of the First Order

Key events/known for: Sacred site for Jedi, rich in Kyber crystals, transformed into Starkiller Base by the First Order.

Ilum holds a special place in Jedi lore, primarily serving as the site where young Jedi initiates would come to find the Kyber crystals essential for building their lightsabers. This icy planet’s spiritual significance contrasts sharply with its later conversion into Starkiller Base, representing a perversion of a sacred site into a weapon of massive destruction.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
UnknownUnknownIlum SystemNoneNoneUnknown


As seen in: Jedi: Fallen Order

Star Wars Planets - Bogano
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Reign of the Empire

Key events/known for: A largely uninhabited grassy planet in the Outer Rim, home to a Zeffo vault.

Bogano is a largely uninhabited planet covered with grassy plains and unique rock formations. It is known for being the location of an ancient Zeffo vault that plays a crucial role in “Jedi: Fallen Order.” The planet is shrouded in mystery and offers many secrets for those willing to explore its surface.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimUnknownUnknownBoglings, various speciesNoneUnknown


As seen in: Jedi: Fallen Order

Star Wars Planets - Bracca
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Reign of the Empire

Key events/known for: An inhospitable junkyard planet in the Mid Rim, used by the Scrapper Guild to salvage decommissioned ships for the Empire.

Bracca is an inhospitable junkyard planet known for its vast ship-breaking yards. It is a strategic location for the Scrapper Guild, whose members salvage decommissioned ships for the Empire. The planet’s harsh environment and hazardous working conditions reflect its role as a dumping ground for the remnants of the Clone Wars.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Mid RimUnknownBracca SystemVarious speciesNoneUnknown

Ord Mantell

As seen in: Episode V (mentioned), The Clone Wars, The Bad Batch

Star Wars Planets - Ord Mantell
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Age of Rebellion, Reign of the Empire

Key events/known for: A planet where Han Solo mentions having a run-in with a bounty hunter, a location of various underworld activities.

Ord Mantell is a planet known for its bustling underworld and association with bounty hunters. It is mentioned by Han Solo in “Episode V” and appears in “The Clone Wars” and “The Bad Batch” series. The planet’s urban sprawl and criminal activities make it a hotbed for illegal operations and smuggling.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Mid RimBright Jewel SectorBright Jewel SystemVarious speciesWorlportM-11


As seen in: Solo: A Star Wars Story

Star Wars Planets - Savareen
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Reign of the Empire

Key events/known for: A desert and ocean planet where destitute villages farm wind and refine coaxium.

Savareen is a desert and ocean planet known for its destitute villages and wind farms. It serves as a crucial location in “Solo: A Star Wars Story,” where Han and his crew refine Coaxium and face off with Dryden Vos. The planet’s remote and harsh environment highlights the struggles of its inhabitants.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimUnknownUnknownVarious speciesNoneUnknown

Concord Dawn

As seen in: The Clone Wars, Rebels

Star Wars Planets - Concord Dawn
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi, Age of Rebellion

Key events/known for: Home planet of Jango Fett, known for its Mandalorian heritage.

Concord Dawn is a habitable planet surrounded by a large amount of debris from many vicious wars. It is the home planet of Jango Fett and has a strong Mandalorian heritage. The planet’s war-torn surface and historical significance make it an important location in Mandalorian culture.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimMandalore SectorConcord Dawn SystemMandaloriansNoneR-4

Nal Hutta

As seen in: The Clone Wars

Star Wars Planets - Nal Hutta
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi

Key events/known for: Home planet of Jabba and other Hutts, known for its lawlessness and crime.

Nal Hutta, known as the “Glorious Jewel” in Huttese, is a swampy, polluted planet that serves as the capital of Hutt Space. It is renowned for its lawlessness and as a sanctuary for criminals across the galaxy. The planet’s environment is as murky as its dealings, with its ruling Hutt clans involved in various illicit activities.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimHutt SpaceY’Toub SystemHutts, various speciesNoneS-13


As seen in: Solo: A Star Wars Story, Episode IV (mentioned), Rebels

Star Wars Planets - Kessel
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Age of Rebellion

Key events/known for: Notorious spice mines, key location in the Kessel Run.

Kessel is a planet synonymous with peril and exploitation. Its spice mines feature harsh working conditions, where prisoners and slaves are forced to labour. The planet’s grim reality contrasts with its importance in smuggling lore, providing a critical test of skill and speed through the dangerous hyperspace route known as the Kessel Run.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimKessel SectorKessel SystemVarious speciesNoneL-9


As seen in: The Clone Wars

Star Wars Planets - Rugosa
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi

Key events/known for: A moon consisting of giant coral reefs, site of a meeting between Yoda and King Katuunko.

Rugosa is a moon that consists of giant coral reefs. It is the location where Yoda meets King Katuunko of the Toydarians after being tested in battle by the Separatist Droid Army during the early days of the Clone Wars. The meeting solidifies Toydaria’s allegiance to the Galactic Republic.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimCalamari SectorRugosa SystemVarious speciesNoneR-17


As seen in: The Clone Wars, Tale of the Jedi

Star Wars Planets - Shili
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi

Key events/known for: Home planet of the Togruta, including Jedi Council member Shaak Ti and Padawan Ahsoka Tano.

Shili is the home planet of the Togruta, including notable Jedi such as Shaak Ti and Ahsoka Tano. The planet’s vibrant ecosystems and colourful landscapes reflect the unique and communal nature of the Togruta people.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Expansion RegionUnknownShili SystemTogrutaCorvalaM-15

Ajan Kloss

As seen in: Episode IX

Star Wars Planets - Ajan Kloss
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Rise of the First Order

Key events/known for: Served as a base for the Resistance in the “Star Wars” sequel trilogy.

Ajan Kloss is a verdant, jungle-covered planet that was chosen by the Resistance for its remote location, making it an ideal hideaway from the First Order. Dense forests and ancient ruins from the native species provide a backdrop filled with natural beauty and history. This planet played a pivotal role as a strategic point for the Resistance’s final stand against the First Order.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimUnknownAjan Kloss SystemVarious speciesNoneUnknown


As seen in: Tarkin, The Clone Wars (mentioned), The Bad Batch

Star Wars Planets - Eriadu
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Fall of the Jedi, Reign of the Empire

Key events/known for: Home planet of Grand Moff Tarkin.

Eriadu is an industrial planet located in the Outer Rim, known for its harsh environment and significant manufacturing capabilities. It is the home world of Grand Moff Tarkin and is a key location in the Galactic Empire’s expansion efforts due to its strategic importance and industrial output.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimSeswenna SectorEriadu SystemHumans, various speciesEriadu CityM-18


As seen in: Andor

Star Wars Planets - Niamos
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Reign of the Empire

Key events/known for: A resort planet featured in the “Andor” series.

Niamos is a warm, sunny resort planet known for its pleasant beaches and calm waters. It serves as a destination for outlaws to hide and was where Cassian Andor was arrested by Imperial Shore Troopers and given a six-year sentence.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimUnknownUnknownVarious speciesNoneUnknown


As seen in: Andor

Star Wars Planets - Ferrix
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Reign of the Empire

Key events/known for: A gritty, industrial world featured in the “Andor” series.

Ferrix is a lesser-known, working-class planet with a strong sense of community among its inhabitants. Its dusty, mechanical landscapes serve as a backdrop for the grassroots rebellion movements that gain momentum throughout the “Andor” series, emphasising themes of resistance and subversion.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
UnknownUnknownUnknownVarious speciesNoneUnknown


As seen in: Episode IX

Star Wars Planets - Pasaana
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Rise of the First Order

Key events/known for: A desert planet where the Resistance discovers clues leading to Exegol.

Pasaana is a remote desert world, featuring sweeping dunes and rocky canyons. Its relatively obscure status in the galaxy changes when it becomes a key location in the search for the Sith wayfinder. The planet’s vibrant, colourful Festival of the Ancestors provides a rich cultural backdrop against which the protagonists navigate their quests and confrontations.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates

Kef Bir

As seen in: Episode IX

Star Wars Planets - Kef Bir
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Rise of the First Order

Key events/known for: An ocean moon of the planet Endor, location of the Death Star wreckage.

Kef Bir is a rugged oceanic world primarily known for the debris of the second Death Star that crashed into its seas after the battle of Endor. This moon’s harsh coastline and turbulent waters serve as the backdrop for pivotal moments in the saga’s conclusion, where secrets of the past are unearthed and the final destiny of the Skywalker lineage is forged.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
Outer RimEndor SystemEndor SystemVarious speciesNoneL-19


As seen in: Ahsoka

Star Wars Planets - Seatos
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: New Republic

Key events/known for: A dark world with vast oceans, rugged terrain, and mysterious red forests.

Seatos combines enigmatic beauty with deep historical significance. Once inhabited by the ancient Dathomiri, this planet features a unique mechanism powered by a star map, revealing pathways to distant galaxies like Peridea. Elements in the “Ahsoka” series hint at connections to the ancient Sith and the Purrgil, creatures integral to key galactic events. The study of Seatos is poised to reshape the Star Wars timeline, offering fresh narrative possibilities for the franchise.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
UnknownUnknownUnknownVarious speciesNoneUnknown


As seen in: Ahsoka

Star Wars Planets - Peridea
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: New Republic

Key events/known for: An extragalactic planet located in the Far Galaxy, home to the Noti and the once-mighty Witch Kingdom of the Dathmiri.

Peridea is shrouded in mystery and steeped in the lore of distant, forgotten powers. This remote planet was once the centre of the Witch Kingdom of the Dathmiri, a dominion that wielded formidable magic before its eventual collapse. Notably, it became the exile site for Thrawn and Ezra Bridger, who were sent there by Purrgil, enigmatic space-faring creatures whose bones form the planet’s distinctive rings.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
UnknownUnknownUnknownNoti, various speciesNoneUnknown

Cantonica (Canto Bight)

As seen in: Episode VIII

Star Wars Planets - Canto Bight
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: Rise of the First Order

Key events/known for: The resort city of Canto Bight, home of the Canto Casino and Racetrack.

Cantonica is an arid planet where the resort city of Canto Bight is located. The city is known for its luxurious Canto Casino and Racetrack, attracting the wealthy and influential from across the galaxy. The planet’s opulence and extravagance contrast sharply with the underlying themes of inequality and exploitation explored in “The Last Jedi.”

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
UnknownUnknownUnknownVarious speciesCanto BightUnknown


As seen in: The Acolyte

Star Wars Planets - Brendok
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: The High Republic

Key events/known for: A forested world with a significant Rebel presence.

Brendok is a forested world known for its strategic significance to the Rebel Alliance during the Age of Rebellion. The planet’s dense forests and hidden locations made it an ideal place for the Rebels to establish bases and plan operations against the Galactic Empire.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
UnknownUnknownUnknownVarious speciesNoneUnknown


As seen in: The Acolyte

Star Wars Planets - Olega
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: The High Republic

Key events/known for: A remote planet with strategic significance.

Olega is a remote planet that gained strategic significance during the Age of Rebellion. Its isolated location made it a valuable asset for hidden Rebel bases and covert operations against the Galactic Empire.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
UnknownUnknownUnknownVarious speciesNoneUnknown


As seen in: The Acolyte

Star Wars Planets - Khofar
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Era: The High Republic

Key events/known for: A desolate planet with significant mineral resources.

Khofar is a desolate planet known for its significant mineral resources. During the Reign of the Empire, the planet’s resources were exploited by the Galactic Empire for various construction and military projects.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
UnknownUnknownUnknownVarious speciesNoneUnknown

Toshara Moon

As seen in: Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Planets - Toshara Moon
(Image Credit: Ubisoft Star Wars)

Era: New Republic

Key events/known for: A moon with a lush ecosystem, significant for its biodiversity.

Toshara Moon is known for its lush ecosystem and significant biodiversity. It became an important location for scientific research and exploration during the New Republic era, attracting scientists and explorers from across the galaxy.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
UnknownUnknownUnknownVarious speciesNoneUnknown


As seen in: Episode IX

Star Wars Planets - Kijimi
(Image Credit: Ubisoft Star Wars)

Era: Rise of the First Order

Key events/known for: A frigid mountainous planet, home of Zorii Bliss and the Spice Runners of Kijimi.

Kijimi is a frigid mountainous planet known for its harsh environment and the presence of the Spice Runners of Kijimi. It is destroyed by the Xyston-class Star Destroyer Derriphan of the Sith Eternal’s fleet in “The Rise of Skywalker” as a show of force for the rest of the galaxy.

RegionSectionSystemInhabitantsCapital CityGrid Coordinates
UnknownUnknownUnknownVarious speciesNoneUnknown
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