Star Wars Lightsaber Colours

All 11 Canon Star Wars Lightsaber Colours, Explained

In the Star Wars universe, lightsaber colours hold deep significance, reflecting the wielder's role and alignment within the Force. Discover the meaning behind each of them.

In the vast galaxy of Star Wars, the lightsaber is an iconic symbol of the struggle between good and evil. Its dazzling colours not only captivate the audience but also hold deep significance within the franchise. Understanding the meaning behind each lightsaber colour enriches the experience and adds a layer of depth to the characters who wield them.

From the steadfast blue of Jedi Guardians like Obi-Wan Kenobi to the sinister red favoured by Sith Lords, each hue tells a story. Green, often associated with Jedi Consulars like Yoda and Luke Skywalker, signifies a connection with the Force. Meanwhile, the unique purple lightsaber of Mace Windu combines elements of both light and dark, marking its wielder as both a warrior and a diplomat.

Various other colours such as yellow, white, and even the mysterious black Darksaber each add their own chapter to the lore. With so many colours to explore, the significance of each blade offers fans a fascinating glimpse into the intricate mythos of Star Wars.

The Meaning And Significance Of Lightsaber Colours

Lightsabers, iconic weapons in the Star Wars universe, come in various colours, each with its own significance. These colours are determined by the kyber crystals within the hilts, which are attuned to their wielders.

Explanation Of Kyber Crystals

Kyber crystals are the heart of a lightsaber, providing power and colour. Jedi find these crystals on planets like Ilum, where they connect with a crystal that resonates with their presence in the Force. Each crystal’s unique properties contribute to the final colour of the lightsaber.

In contrast, Sith often use synthetic crystals, which produce red blades. These synthetic crystals are created through intense dark side energy, symbolising the Sith’s alignment with power and domination.

Symbolism Behind Each Colour

Blue Lightsabers:

Used by Jedi Guardians, blue signifies skill in combat and an aptitude for lightsaber techniques. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker wielded blue blades, representing their roles as protectors.

Green Lightsabers:

Green lightsabers are associated with wisdom and a strong connection to the Force. Jedi Consulars, like Yoda and Qui-Gon Jinn, favour this colour, reflecting their focus on balance and harmony.

Red Lightsabers:

The trademark of the Sith, red lightsabers symbolise power and aggression. Notably, Darth Vader and Darth Sidious carried red blades, embodying their intense dark side energy.

Purple Lightsabers:

Rare and distinctive, purple lightsabers are linked to characters like Mace Windu. This colour merges blue and red, representing a balance of combat prowess and strong Force skills.

Yellow Lightsabers:

Yellow blades, often seen with Jedi Sentinels like the Jedi Temple Guards, signify hope, energy, and a unique blend of combat and scholarly pursuits.

Orange Lightsabers:

A less common hue, orange lightsabers indicate creativity and individuality. They are relatively new in Star Wars canon, showcasing diversity in lightsaber colours and symbolisms.

White Lightsabers:

White lightsabers signify purity and redemption, associated mainly with Ahsoka Tano. Created by purifying dark side Kyber crystals, they represent neutrality and independence from Jedi and Sith ideologies, reflecting a unique path of personal balance.

These colours not only reflect the wielder’s abilities and inclinations but also their journey and alignment within the Force.

Blue Lightsaber

Lightersaber Colour - Blue
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

The blue lightsaber is one of the most iconic symbols within the Star Wars universe, signifying righteousness and bravery. Frequently associated with Jedi Guardians, it has been wielded by some of the most formidable characters in the franchise.

Historical Appearances

Blue lightsabers first appeared in “A New Hope”, wielded by Obi-Wan Kenobi and later handed to Luke Skywalker.

This weapon colour became emblematic of the classic Jedi order. As the series expanded, blue lightsabers were seen in numerous media, including television series like “The Clone Wars” and video games such as “Jedi: Fallen Order”. Their consistent presence highlights their importance in the portrayal of the Jedi.

Key Wielders

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker are two of the most notable wielders of blue lightsabers.

Obi-Wan’s blue lightsaber became a symbol of his mastery and steadfastness. Anakin, during his time as a Jedi Knight, also wielded a blue lightsaber, showcasing his skills and potential. Luke Skywalker carried a blue lightsaber after inheriting it from Obi-Wan, marking his initiation into the Jedi path. Rey Skywalker also used a blue lightsaber, connecting her to past heroes.


Blue lightsabers signify qualities such as justice, valour, and bravery, often associated with Jedi Guardians.

These lightsabers are used by those who are not only skilled in combat but also uphold the core Jedi principles of protecting and serving the galaxy. The blue colour reflects their role as peacekeepers and their commitment to the light side of the Force.

Legends and Canon Comparison

In Legends, blue lightsabers were similarly associated with Jedi Guardians, though some variations in lore existed. Various other characters in the extended universe wielded blue lightsabers, each adding to its rich history.

In Canon, the association is more fixed, with blue lightsabers seen predominantly in the hands of heroic characters. This consistency between different sources ensures that blue lightsabers remain a strong symbol of Jedi virtue and defence throughout the Star Wars franchise.

Green Lightsaber

Lightsaber Colour - Green
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Green lightsabers are iconic within the Star Wars universe, often signifying wisdom, harmony, and a deep connection to the Force. Characters who wield these lightsabers tend to have advanced skills and are typically aligned with the Jedi Order.

Historical Appearances

Green lightsabers made their first significant appearance in the original Star Wars trilogy. Yoda and Luke Skywalker are prominent users, with Luke crafting his green lightsaber in “Return of the Jedi”. The prequels expanded on this with characters like Qui-Gon Jinn wielding a green blade, further cementing its association with the Jedi tradition.

Key Wielders

Several notable characters in Star Wars lore wield green lightsabers. Yoda, the wise and powerful Jedi Grand Master, is a prime example. Qui-Gon Jinn, known for his unconventional methods and strong connection to the Living Force, also wielded a green lightsaber. Ahsoka Tano, although more commonly known for her blue and white lightsabers, has been depicted wielding a green lightsaber during her time as Anakin Skywalker’s apprentice.


The green lightsaber is often associated with peace and wisdom. Jedi who use these lightsabers are generally skilled negotiators and diplomats. These Jedi focus on their connection to the Force, enhancing their meditative and healing abilities. The green blade signifies a balance between combat skills and a deeper understanding of the Force, embodying qualities of the Jedi Consulars.

Legends And Canon Comparison

In the Star Wars Legends (previously known as the Expanded Universe), the green lightsaber holds similar meanings related to wisdom and a strong Force connection. Jedi Consulars, tasked with roles as scholars and diplomats, frequently wield green lightsabers. In current canon, these traits have been consistent, with green lightsabers symbolising a Jedi’s emphasis on non-combat skills and insightful strategies.

Both in Legends and Canon, green lightsabers maintain their symbolic status and are wielded by some of the most revered characters in the Star Wars universe.

Red Lightsaber

Lightsaber Colour - Red
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

The red lightsaber is synonymous with the dark side of the Force, wielded predominantly by the Sith Lords. This section explores its historical appearances, notable users, symbolic meaning, and how its representation varies between different iterations of Star Wars lore.

Historical Appearances

Red lightsabers first appeared in the original Star Wars trilogy. Darth Vader’s menacing crimson blade made its debut in “A New Hope” (1977), instantly becoming an icon of evil. The prequel trilogy expanded their presence, showing countless Sith in battle. Count Dooku and Darth Maul, with their unique lightsaber designs, further cemented the red blade’s association with the Sith.

In newer films, Kylo Ren’s crossguard lightsaber added a twist to the traditional design. The visual impact of red lightsabers has been significant in representing antagonists.

Key Wielders

Darth Vader is one of the most recognisable wielders of a red lightsaber. His transformation from Anakin Skywalker to a Sith Lord was symbolised by his switch to the red blade.

Darth Maul, with his double-bladed lightsaber, showcased incredible combat skills, and his weapon became iconic for its distinctive design.

Count Dooku, or Darth Tyranus, used a red-bladed, curved-hilt lightsaber that illustrated his elegant yet deadly fighting style.

Other notable wielders include Darth Sidious and Kylo Ren. Each Sith Lord brought their own style and ferocity to their use of the red lightsaber, making them memorable foes.


The red colour signifies power, passion, and fear. It is crafted through the process known as “bleeding,” where a Sith or dark side user pours their anger and malice into a Kyber crystal, corrupting its original form. This act reflects their corrupt nature and intense emotions.

Red lightsabers are also symbolic of the user’s absolute commitment to the dark side. They are a visual reminder of the wielder’s power and ruthlessness, striking fear into opponents.

Legends And Canon Comparison

Both Canon and Legends maintain the red lightsaber as a powerful symbol of dark side influence. However, the creation methods differ.

In Star Wars Canon, red lightsabers are produced by corrupting Kyber crystals, making them “bleed” to turn red. This method emphasises the dark side’s invasive and destructive nature.

In Star Wars Legends, red lightsabers were typically created using synthetic crystals. These artificial crystals were imbued with dark side energy, aligning with the Sith’s manipulative use of technology and the Force.

Purple Lightsaber

Lightsaber Colour - Purple
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Purple lightsabers stand out due to their unique hue and their association with significant characters in the Star Wars saga. They symbolise a blend of light and dark, indicative of a complex and multifaceted nature.

Historical Appearances

Purple lightsabers are a relatively rare sight in the Star Wars universe. They first appeared prominently in “Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones.” Mace Windu, portrayed by Samuel L. Jackson, wields the most iconic purple lightsaber seen to date. The distinct colour animates many battles and is visually striking against the typical blue and green blades of other Jedi.

Additionally, purple lightsabers have been featured in various Star Wars Expanded Universe materials, now rebranded as “Legends,” as well as in canonical novels and animated series. Their rarity adds a sense of exclusivity and importance.

Key Wielders

The most notable wielder of a purple lightsaber is Jedi Master Mace Windu. Known for his exceptional combat skills and wisdom, Windu’s lightsaber stands out due to its unique colour choice by Samuel L. Jackson.

Another prominent character associated with a purple lightsaber is Mara Jade, an ex-Imperial assassin turned Jedi in the now non-canonical Legends continuity. Her journey from darkness to light symbolises the blend of blue and red found in her blade. These characters showcase the deep significance of wielders of purple lightsabers.


The colour purple often symbolises royalty, power, and ambition. In the context of lightsabers, this is no different. The purple blade represents a balance between the calm, righteous blue and the aggressive, passionate red, suggesting a user who can harness both ends of the Force spectrum.

Purple lightsabers also signify wisdom and nobility, qualities embodied by their users like Mace Windu. They suggest that the wielder employs the Force in a unique, balanced manner, integrating both its light and dark aspects without succumbіng to either extreme.

Legends And Canon Comparison

Under the “Legends” banner, purple lightsabers were relatively more common, with characters like Mara Jade exemplifying their use. These tales expanded on the flexibility and spectrum of Force users who did not fit into the typical light or dark side categories.

In canonical works, canonisation has been more selective. Characters wielding purple lightsabers are few, with Mace Windu being the most prominent. The move to canon has emphasised the uniqueness and significance of characters who can balance opposing forces within the Force.

Yellow Lightsaber

Lightsaber Colour - Yellow
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

The yellow lightsaber has an intriguing history within the Star Wars universe, noted for its unique symbolism and notable wielders. It bridges the gap between the lighter and darker sides of the Force, representing knowledge and versatility.

Historical Appearances

The yellow lightsaber first made waves in the Star Wars Legends. It was primarily wielded by the Jedi Sentinels, blending the attributes of both Jedi Guardians and Jedi Consulars. Sentinels balanced combat skills with scholarly pursuits and were often tasked with safeguarding the Jedi Temple.

In more modern canon, yellow lightsabers appeared with new layers of significance. Notably, Rey Skywalker wields a yellow lightsaber at the end of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, marking a significant milestone in the saga’s timeline.

Key Wielders

Asajj Ventress, though initially known for her red lightsabers, wielded a yellow lightsaber found on the black market during her later years as a bounty hunter. This reflects her complex journey within the Force.

Rey Skywalker is perhaps the most prominent wielder in current popular culture. Her appearance with a yellow lightsaber at the conclusion of the sequel trilogy signifies her unique path and balance of the Force after the fall of the Sith and Jedi traditions.


Yellow lightsabers symbolize a balance between defence and scholarly wisdom. The Jedi Sentinels, who traditionally wielded these weapons, were known for their dedication to protecting the Jedi Order and their skills in both combat and investigation.

For Rey Skywalker, the yellow lightsaber represents her position as a new guardian and seeker of balance within the Force. This hue denotes her capability to merge combat readiness with profound knowledge, standing as a beacon of hope and renewal.

Legends And Canon Comparison

In Star Wars Legends, yellow lightsabers were primarily associated with the Jedi Sentinels and Temple Guards, noted for their expertise in both combat and knowledge. Sentinels often undertook specialised tasks that required a keen understanding of various disciplines.

In Star Wars Canon, the appearance of yellow lightsabers has expanded. Rey’s yellow lightsaber marks a new chapter, signifying her evolution and potential to forge a new path for future Force users. The modern portrayal enhances their established iconography, blending classic elements with new narrative significance.

White Lightsaber

Lightsaber Colour - White
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

White lightsabers have long intrigued Star Wars enthusiasts, symbolising purity and neutrality. They hold unique historical and cultural significance within the universe, with their wielders often embodying resilience and transformation.

Historical Appearances

The white lightsaber made its first on-screen appearance with Ahsoka Tano. These lightsabers stand out due to their distinctive colour, representing a significant departure from the classic hues of blue, green, or red. The white lightsaber symbolises a neutral stance between the light and dark sides of the Force.

Key Wielders

Ahsoka Tano is the most recognised wielder of the white lightsaber. After leaving the Jedi Order, she purified red kyber crystals, removing the dark side corruption to turn them white. This act reflected her independence from both the Jedi and Sith. Jedi Temple Guards are known to wield white lightsabers, symbolising their dedication to duty and the protection of the Jedi Temple.


The white lightsaber symbolises purity, balance, and neutrality. It represents a user’s disassociation from strict Jedi or Sith ideologies. Ahsoka’s blades symbolise her journey of self-discovery and her role as a Force-wielder independent of traditional alignments. For the Jedi Temple Guards, the white lightsaber represents unwavering dedication to defending the Jedi Order and its values.

Legends And Canon Comparison

In the Star Wars Legends, white lightsabers are rare and often surrounded by mystery. Their representation in the canon strengthens their association with key characters like Ahsoka Tano and Jedi Temple Guards. This contrast enhances their symbolic value within the Star Wars universe, reflecting significant character arcs and themes. The white lightsaber’s presence in both Legends and canon highlights its enduring significance and unique place in the lore.

Black Lightsaber (Darksaber)

Lightsaber Colour - Black (Darksaber)
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

The Darksaber is a legendary and unique black-bladed lightsaber with deep historical roots and significant symbolic value in the Star Wars universe. Created by Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian Jedi, it has been wielded by key figures and has become a widely recognised symbol of power and leadership.

Historical Appearances

The Darksaber was created by Tarre Vizsla around 1050 BBY.

After Vizsla’s passing, the weapon was kept in the Jedi Temple. During the fall of the Old Republic, members of House Vizsla stole the Darksaber, integrating it into Mandalorian culture as a symbol of authority.

The weapon appeared in “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” and “Star Wars Rebels”, among other media, contributing to its deep historical importance.

Key Wielders

Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian inducted into the Jedi Order, originally wielded the Darksaber.

Following him, the weapon was passed down through House Vizsla, including notable figures like Pre Vizsla.

Sabine Wren, from “Star Wars Rebels”, also wielded it, passing it to Bo-Katan Kryze.

More recently, Din Djarin came into possession of the Darksaber in “The Mandalorian”. Each wielder has added to its storied legacy.


The Darksaber not only represents a unique weapon but also holds significant symbolic meaning.

For the Mandalorians, it symbolises leadership and the right to rule. Its black blade stands in stark contrast to other lightsabers, often symbolising power, authority, and heritage.

Tarre Vizsla’s creation of the Darksaber blends Jedi and Mandalorian traditions, embodying unity between two powerful cultures.

Legends And Canon Comparison

In both Legends and Canon, the Darksaber remains a unique black-bladed lightsaber, though its storylines vary slightly.

In Canon, its origins and usage are tied closely to Mandalorian culture and the struggle for leadership over Mandalore.

In Legends, while less explored, it similarly symbolises power and heritage. The Canon has significantly expanded its lore, integrating it into major story arcs within the Star Wars narrative.

Orange Lightsaber

Lightsaber Colour - Orange
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Orange lightsabers are one of the rarest blade colours in the Star Wars universe, featuring significant historical appearances, notable wielders, and distinct symbolism. The comparison between Legends and Canon offers unique insights into its evolution and significance.

Historical Appearances

The orange lightsaber made its first appearance in the video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (2019). It was offered as a customisable option for players.

Although mostly associated with player choice, the orange blade gained notable attention and recognition. Its live-action debut came in 2024 with the Ahsoka series on Disney+, marking its significance within official canon stories.

Key Wielders

In Canon, the most prominent users of the orange lightsaber are Cal Kestis from Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati from Ahsoka.

Cal Kestis’s choice was influenced by player decisions, while Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati’s wielding of orange blades is officially part of Ahsoka’s storyline. This moves the colour beyond merely a customisation option to a recognised element in the series.


Orange lightsabers in Star Wars symbolise a balance between the light and dark sides of the Force, reflecting the wielders’ internal conflict and complexity.

This symbolism suggests a nuanced approach to the Force and a departure from traditional black-and-white morality. The colours are often associated with warriors who possess unique philosophies and a distinct path within the Jedi or Sith traditions.

Legends And Canon Comparison

In Legends, orange lightsabers were rarely mentioned and did not hold particular significance. They occasionally appeared in expanded universe content without much emphasis.

In contrast, Canon has enriched the blade’s importance by giving it distinct representation in mainstream media, notably in video games and live-action series. This shift highlights a broader spectrum of lightsaber lore, diversifying the Star Wars narrative.

Cyan, Indigo, And Magenta Lightsabers

Lightsaber Colour - Cyan
(Image Credit: Star Wars)

Cyan, indigo, and magenta lightsabers are some of the rarest and most visually distinct blades in Star Wars. Each colour has unique appearances, notable wielders, and rich symbolism within both the canonical and Legends lore.

Historical Appearances

Cyan lightsabers are relatively uncommon, with their most prominent appearance in the video game “Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order” where players can customise Cal Kestis’s blade to this colour. Historically, it hasn’t been widely featured in the official cinematic universes.

Indigo lightsabers have appeared in various Star Wars media. In “Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order,” Cal Kestis can also choose an indigo blade, which situates between blue and violet. The deeper shade signifies a different, often introspective path.

Magenta lightsabers emerged largely within the fandom and non-canonical scenarios before appearing in games like “Star Wars: The Old Republic.” Its presence remains more limited compared to other lightsaber colours.

Key Wielders

Cyan lightsabers have primarily been wielded by characters created in video games or non-movie narratives. Cal Kestis is a notable wielder within “Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order,” where players can personalise his blade to cyan.

Baylan Skoll and other characters in the extended universe and fan fiction have sometimes wielded indigo lightsabers. Though not mainstream, these characters enrich Star Wars by representing wisdom and balance.

Magenta lightsabers are less commonly seen among mainstream characters. However, in “Star Wars: The Old Republic,” player characters can choose a magenta blade. This colour’s wielding is more personal and less connected to central storytelling elements.


Cyan lightsabers symbolise calm and concentration. The serene hue reflects a Jedi’s connection to the Force through peace and clarity. Users are often seen as thoughtful and strategic.

Indigo lightsabers represent a blend of wisdom, spirituality, and intuition. These qualities suggest a deep, often meditative, understanding of the Force. Users wielding indigo blades are portrayed as more philosophical.

Magenta lightsabers carry a mix of tradition and creativity. The vibrant shade merges the traits of red and blue, indicating balance, inner strength, and innovative thinking. The magenta blade is for those navigating complex paths within the Force.

Legends And Canon Comparison

In the Legends universe, cyan, indigo, and magenta lightsabers appear more freely, with various Jedi and Sith experimenting with unique kyber crystals. Legends provide a broader narrative canvas, allowing for creative expansions.

Within Canon, these colours are less frequently seen. Cyan and indigo lightsabers have found their places mainly in video games like “Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order”. Magenta remains mostly in the periphery, holding niche appeal.


The diverse colours of lightsabers hold significant importance in the Star Wars universe. Each hue, from blue wielded by characters like Skywalker and Kenobi, to the fearsome red of the Sith, carries deep symbolism.

George Lucas introduced these iconic weapons in the original Star Wars movies. Over time, Disney has expanded on this lore, further exploring lightsaber colours in newer films and video games like Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

Lightsaber Colours and Their Key Associations:

  • Blue: Jedi Guardians, combat and protection.
  • Green: Wisdom, strong Force connection.
  • Red: Sith, power and fear.
  • Yellow: Hope, leadership.
  • Purple: Balance of light and dark.
  • White: Purity, redemption, neutrality.
  • Orange: Creativity, individuality, diversity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Understanding lightsaber colours is crucial to appreciating the deep lore and mythology in the Star Wars universe. Here’s a comprehensive guide to some of the most common questions fans have.

What do different lightsaber colours signify?

Blue lightsabers are often associated with Jedi Guardians like Obi-Wan Kenobi, representing bravery and combat prowess. Green lightsabers, used by characters such as Yoda and Luke Skywalker, symbolise wisdom and a strong connection to the Force. Red lightsabers, wielded by Sith Lords like Darth Vader, indicate a corrupted crystal through the dark side. Purple, yellow, and other hues each carry unique meanings within the canon and expanded universe.

Can you explain the significance of a green lightsaber?

Green lightsabers are traditionally linked to Jedi Consulars, individuals who focus on diplomacy and Force mastery over combat skills. Notable wielders include Yoda and Qui-Gon Jinn. This colour reflects their deep wisdom, harmony, and intricate understanding of the Force.

Which lightsaber colour is the rarest among Jedi?

The purple lightsaber, famously wielded by Mace Windu, is exceptionally rare. Its unique hue signifies a distinct blend of light and dark side practices, requiring its user to maintain a delicate balance.

Why does Rey wield a yellow lightsaber?

Rey’s yellow lightsaber, seen at the end of “The Rise of Skywalker,” is significant. Yellow lightsabers are tied to the Jedi Sentinel role, representing a balance of combat skills and scholarly pursuit. This unique colour suggests a new path and identity for Rey.

How are lightsaber colours allocated to characters?

Lightsaber colours are determined by the Kyber crystals attuned to the wielder’s connection with the Force during the construction process. The crystal’s final colour reflects the character’s essence, morality, and alignment.

What meanings are attributed to the seven known lightsaber colours?

  1. Blue: Bravery, combat skill, protectors of the peace.
  2. Green: Wisdom, Force mastery, diplomacy.
  3. Red: Rage, power, dark side corruption.
  4. Purple: Balance of light and dark, rare and powerful.
  5. Yellow: Sentinel role, balance between combat and research.
  6. White: Purity, neutrality, often used by Ahsoka Tano.
  7. Black (Darksaber): Leadership, Mandalorian culture, uniqueness in design.

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